In Sefuri Town

  • Notice

    Snow is forecasted to continue to accumulate after February 5. Please be aware that there is a possibility of delays in service.

北部エリア 利用案内を拡大

Sefuri Town Commuter Bus
(Also available for non-students)

Days of the week

month Day of the week

the earth (historically, esp. as opposed to the heavens) day of the week

(Closed on Sundays, national holidays, Obon 8/13-15, year-end 12/30 and 12/31, and New Year's 1/1-3)
*The Sefuri Sanroku Route No. 5 and the Toba-in and Kuraya Routes No. 4 are closed on Mondays through Fridays during spring, summer, and winter vacation periods. On Saturdays, the service operates as shown in the operation schedule.

usage fee

100Yen/1 time

discounted service

School bus commuter pass200 yen for nursery school children / 1,000 yen for elementary and junior high school students (one-month subscription)

Elementary and junior high school students in the Hirotaki area: half fare *Fares are exempted for 1st to 4th graders commuting from the former Kuboyama and Toba-in branch school districts.
*Mise and Kanzaki line (local bus) commuter free commuter pass is also available.

courtesy cab
(Reservations-based shared-ride cabs)

This means of transportation allows you to travel between a bus stop near your home and a designated bus stop by making a reservation the day before or on the day of your visit.

service area

Sefuri Koryu Center direction 3 flights / Home direction 4 flights

Days and hours of operation

month Day of the week

money (written before an amount) Days of the week from 9 to 4 p.m./.

the earth (historically, esp. as opposed to the heavens) Days of the week 9-3 p.m.

Closed on Sundays and holidays

usage fee

general 300Yen / Elementary and junior high school students 150suffix for names of swords, armour, musical instruments, etc.

*Free for preschool children
*Available with a free commuter pass for the Mise-Kanzaki-Line (local bus) and Sefuri-machi commuter bus commuter pass.

Who can use it

Residents of Sefuri Town who can get in and out of the car by themselves.

Available when accompanied by a caregiver.

Fureai Taxi requires first-time user registration.


For first time usersthe followingApplication Windowfor more information.
Sefuri Branch Office General Window Section
TEL. 0952-59-2111
/Kanzaki City Board of Education, School Education General Affairs Division
TEL. 0952-37-3591


If you have already registered to use the service, please click belowReservationsto make a reservation.
Joiex Transportation

Bus stop near your home → Spinal Cord Exchange Center

Call and refer to the timetable.Preferred FlightPlease inform us of the following
We will inform you of the bus stop and time you will board the bus.
Please board the flight you have reserved.
Sefuri Koryu Center Bus StopPlease get off at

Return] Sefuri Koryu Center → Bus stop near your home

Call and refer to the timetable.Preferred FlightPlease inform us of the following
We will inform you of the bus stop and time you will board the bus.
Please board the flight you have reserved.
Bus stop near my homePlease get off at

Depending on the reservations of other customers, it may not be possible to make a reservation for the desired time. Also, since you will be sharing a cab with another customer, the time required may be longer than that of a regular cab.
*Please allow plenty of time for your visit.

Fureai Taxi Expand timetable